Monday, June 20, 2022

Japan Shoots Down Aberrounions

Edit: Japan is doing what many US Bishops have failed todo. 

Remember back when Lavender Levada of San Fransico caved to sodomounions? 

 Three same-sex couples each sought 1 million yen ($7,414) in damages associated with the country’s ban on same-sex marriage. The allegations of illegal discrimination raised by the plaintiffs–two male couples and one female–come parallel to several similar lawsuits filed in the cities of Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Fukuoka. 

[News] The Japanese government’s ban on same-sex marriage was upheld on Monday as the Osaka District Court moved to reject three same-sex couples’ claims that Tokyo’s failure to overturn its “discriminatory” ban on same-sex marriage violated the country’s constitution.
The Osaka court argued that, while the disadvantages faced by same-sex couples have eased over time, "there have not been enough discussions among people in Japan" regarding the benefits that would exist under a system that recognized same-sex and opposite-sex unions.


1 comment:

  1. Ha!
    The queers are peeing their panties with outrage because a mostly pagan nation that is aborting and contracepting itself out of existence won't let them get married.
    Wait 2 generations. There won't be any people left on that stinking island and the queers can move there. They can change the name to "Island of Monkeypox".
