Thursday, February 26, 2015

Father Timothy Scott Fired

After telling Cardinal Raymond Burke to "STFU" on Twitter, Fr. Timothy Scott has deleted his Twitter account and has been fired as the Spokesman for The Basilian Fathers.


  1. Congratulation to Mr. Voris and Church Militant TV for exposing the lies and falsehoods!

    Necessarily Anon.

    1. Consecrate Russia NOW!February 26, 2015 at 9:19 AM

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  2. Another perverse feature of the Great Apostasy in the Church is that one does not get disciplined, defrocked, excommunicated, etc., for manifest and obstinate opposition to the Faith and the moral law, but something like this, but addressing a Cardinal publicly using obscene language gets one fired (rightly).

  3. Yet, he is still in good standing within the Church. Imagine the reaction to a Traditionalist saying the same thing about any Cardinal.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. "Yet, he is still in good standing within the Church. Imagine the reaction to a Traditionalist saying the same thing about any Cardinal."

    Well...there are posters to this blog who have claimed that "lots of faithful Catholics" desire the sudden Death of Pope Francis.

    There are Catholics on Traditionalist blogs who daily label Pope Francis a "heretic, fraud, minion of Satan, destroyer, sinner"...some have suggested that Pope Francis is a drunkard and drug addict...some have made horrific claims in regard to Pope Francis' sexuality.

    Are said folks "in good standing" with the Church?



    1.'re truly a broken record....give it a rest already. Seriously.

      Your main purpose appears to be to rile up the souls of good, faithful Catholics who are trying to read a blog that informs them and whose commenters are, for the most part, of like mind. The latter is a blessed release and confirmation in the encroaching darkness. Your desire to stir-up hard feelings, and surge bloodpressures is MOST unchristian-like, and a grave sin against Charity. A good dose of Confession would be in order. Pax.

      And as to your last paragraph, I'll simply quote the great Mundabor:
      "He who thinks badly of others commits a sin, but is very often right.
      He who thinks badly of this Pope is merely connecting the dots."

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. No worries, there is still F. Rosica.

  7. Weak people revenge, strong people forgive, intelligent people maiora.

    1. Don't pat yourself on the back so hard.

    2. Who am I to judge? - Jorge Bergoglio

  8. One wonders if they are indeed circling the wagons first Cardinal Girly afterwards the Jesuits and now the Basilians (a dying religious Order). Me thinks that they are afraid of Cardinal Burke and some Argentinian dirt he
    may have found this is truly unpredecented. Prayers for Cardinal Burke and that Argentinian journalist that died in a car crash...
