Monday, December 29, 2014

J.K. Rowling: Hogwarts Magic School Has Aberrosexual Students

The Hogwarts school of magic has homosexual students. This was confirmed by the author Joanne K. Rowland at the request of fans of the novel series, Harry Potter.

Edinburgh ( The Hogwarts school of magic in Joanne K. Rowling's novel series "Harry Potter" has homosexual students. This was confirmed by the author on Twitter. A Harry Potter fan asked the writer, whether one may assume that the Hogwarts School is a "safe space for LGBT students."

"Of course," said Rowling, adding to her answer the following sentence: "If Harry Potter has taught us anything, it is that no one should live in hiding." This is the second occasion on which the bestselling author had announced that homosexuality in her children's books will be treated as something normal.

Back in 2007, she had revealed that Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school of magic, was a homosexual. This and the positive presentation of occult and initiation of magical practices led many Christians to reject it. Link to AMDG


  1. 'fan asked the writer, whether one may assume that the Hogwarts School is a "safe space for LGBT students."'

    Rowling's promotion of Occultism and Homosexuality is outright Evil. There is also another problem, where people are somewhat concerned of the socio-political atmosphere inside a non-existent school/location as if they have detached from reality. It seems like people have leaped into insanity.

  2. How many apathetic Vatican 2 sect parents allow their kids to read/watch this garbage after J.Ratzinger gave his approval?
