Heroes! |
Edit: is there some reason why these sorts of events have to take place in sacred spaces when they could easily take place outside of the confines of Catholic churches. Catholic laymen with any integrity and courage are bound to do something. The group was led by the traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Ultra-traditionalist Roman Catholics have openly challenged Pope Francis by disrupting one of his favorite events, an interfaith ceremony in the Metropolitan Cathedral meant to promote religious harmony on the anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust.
The annual gathering of Catholics, Jews and Protestants marks Kristallnacht, the Nazi-led mob violence in 1938 when about 1,000 Jewish synagogues were burned and thousands of Jews were forced into concentration camps, launching the genocide that killed 6 million Jews. Before he assumed the papacy, Buenos Aires Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his good friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka led the ceremony every year.
A small group disrupted Tuesday night's ceremony by shouting the rosary and the "Our Father" prayer, and spreading pamphlets saying that "followers of false gods must be kept out of the sacred temple."
Link to yahoo..
I see that once again it is only the Society of Saint Pius X that publicly fights for Christ. Where are the others??!
What a biased "reporting" hatchet job by the AP
We must, as Europeans, as Christians, and as White Men, stand up to the evils of the Deicides, and their cultic satanic counterfeit 'sufferings.'
- Fr. John+
Remember, you can not spell CRAP without the AP.
Uh Uh Uh right.
14-11 6:15 AM,,,Right.
a group of young catholics saying enough is enough how many more profanations?
But then I thought that for SSPX, hosts consecrated at NO masses are invalid anyways (although the official press release says otherwise), so what PROFANATION is there to complain about?
Oh dear, are you from the thought police?
That is not the position of the SSPX. The SSPX says NO masses are valid but illicit and there is transubstantiation.
These brave young catholics were sspx (mostly), diocesan traditional and novus ordo.
I thought I'd already responded to this person. Thanks for setting him straight.
So let me get this straight? A lunatic organization(SSPX) that has for decades sheltered the likes of Bishop Williamson(a holocaust denier) is upset that Jews are in a Catholic Church honoring the memory of Jews murdered during an event one of their own(whom they only threw out because of bad publicity) said never happened? They then disrupt said event & you call them "heroes"?
Can you say "lunatic fringe"?
This isn't traditionalism this is wacko jacko nonsense!
Ben, your calumnous statement has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Regardless of Williamson's problems, the fact remains that false religions were allowed to gather in a Catholic church, which is sacrilegious. Furthermore, your vitriol for a group defending the one true faith shows just how little you you possess the faith yourself. Your understanding of charity is non-existent.
I really don’t think some of these people hostile to Catholic truth really appreciate just how much they are a discredit to the Church they claim to be a part.
>that false religions were allowed to gather in a Catholic church.
Wrong People with false beliefs or lacking in the fullness of True Belief gathered in a place that teaches true & full belief to honor the memory of innocents murdered by a godless tyranny.
How is that sacrilege? Since when are non-Christians banned from Catholic Churches & where has that ever been taught?
>False religions & their content are an intellectual abstraction and as such can't "gather" anywhere.
Geez pick up a copy of Aquinas and stop sounding so tedious.
You can't seriously believe St. Thomas Aquinas would approve of this non-sense.
Where did Aquinas ever teach that Non-Catholics are not allowed in Catholic Churches? That sounds like a total novelty to me.
Where did Aquinas teach honoring the memory of persons murdered by a godless tyranny was sacrilegious?
Where there Buddhist Statues on the Altar during this event? I think not.
Did the Jews recite the creed of Maimonides & or the Prayer against Minium during this event?
If not then what the heck is the problem other then you have a know schismatic group who supported a known holocaust denier for years doesn't like it?
That is just plain nuts & it is not Traditionalism.
Jews are "Followers of false gods"? Seriously?
Even Saint Francis of Assisi offered to pray with the Kamil Sultan of Egypt at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which the Sultan declined because he feared the other Muslims would turn the Church into a Mosque if he did.
Pope St Gregory VII said Muslims worship the same God as we do. Rumble and Cary said Muslims worship same God as we do they just do it incorrectly.
If this can be done with Muslims who follow a false prophet how much more with Jews whose religion is merely Catholicism prior to the Coming of the Messiah?
This is nutty nonsense and not Traditionalism.
Are you a Catholics or a follower of the heretic Marcon?
That non-response tells me you have no intelligent answer for me.
Clearly you base your beliefs & claims on feelings and not reason.
The Jews don't worship God & your point of view is a complete novelty.
St. Maximilian Kolbe said: "There is no greater enemy of the Immaculata (Mary) and her Knighthood than today's ecumenism, which every Knight must not only fight against, but also neutralize through diametrically opposed action and ultimately destroy."
Assuming Kolbe for the sake of argument, had the power to see into the future & by "today's ecumenism" he meant what is going on these days in ecumenical circles and not in fact the Pan Protestant Movement ecumenism of his day that Pius XI condemned.
None of this answers my questions. Where did Aquinas teach non-Catholics can't enter into Catholic Churches?
Or that honoring the memory of innocents murdered by a godless tyranny was wrong?
This is the best you can do?
>The Jews don't worship God & your point of view is a complete novelty.
Clearly they offer natural worship of the God of Abraham who of course it God.
It is you who are teaching novelty.
It's an opinion found in Scripture, the Fathers, the Saints and the Magisterium of the Church.
You will find no justification for infernal interfaith non-sense there.
Not interested in the simpering personal attacks, thanks.
>Your understanding of charity is non-existent.
This of course is not a "personal attack"?
BTW I have this bridge in Brooklyn for sale any takers?
I am threw playing with you. You nonsense speaks for itself and show why the SSPX will always be a fringe group along with 911 truthers, Bithers and Roswell followers.
FYI, Williamson does not kneel in front of the Tabernacle where the Blessed Sacrament is housed in Novus Ordo churches. Yes, he was expelled from the Society, but this is information I learned even when he was still with the Society. So, there is a conflict with the official press release and what is actually being believed and practiced in the SSPX. The non-uniformity in the belief and practice in the SSPX mirrors the non-uniformity in the belief and practice in protestant communities.
The funny thing is I have a friend who has seen with his very own two eyes Williamson going to a Novus Ordo Cathedral (Westminster in London) to receive the sacrament of confession from a Novus Ordo priest. I was told that he likes going there because he fancies the Byzantine motif of the Cathedral.
Oh dear are you from the Williamson-ite neo-Nazi school of historical falsification?
If he had said "black men" instead you world not have raised an eyebrow. Perhaps you find a white man identifying himself and his cause hateful? Why would you? Don't let the would do your thinking.
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