Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Yuan Collapsing as Biden Victory Starting to Look Out of Reach




  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Doorfus the clown is petrified, crapped in his diaper, has spat the pacifier and is bellowing 'unfair, unfair, fraud, vote stealing' and generally proving to the entire civilized world just how backward he and his supporters really are.

  3. Way to go, Trump!

    Bergoglio Biden CCP Axis of Evil is going down!

    I am glad to see Antipope Francis hasn't lost his touch.

    Bergoglio's endorsement is the kiss of death.

    Adios Biden!

  4. Great connection, Tancred.

    Curious, isn't it, that whatever Jorge ("Walls Aren't Christian, And Neither Am I") Bergoglio touches, dies. The Kiss of Death, as I wrote above.

    Thanks, Jorge, for endorsing Joe Biden.

    C. P. Benischek

  5. "Trump has governed in an explicitly racist way, playing off division, casting aspersions on people because of their heritage and failing to condemn white supremacists. He trashed international institutions like the UN and the WTO and started trade wars which undermine the global rules-based system. He refused to confirm that he will peacefully hand over power. He lied, over and over again. He behaved in the most childish, self-interested and narcissistic way imaginable. And he presided over the most catastrophic mishandling of the covid pandemic in the world.

    He is a moral chasm."

    The quote is from a middle-of-the road commentator in the UK, and accurately reflects the general sense of astonishment here that such a personality is anywhere near the levers of power in any state outside of North Korea. It was written as part of a reflection on the possibility that Trump will win a second term. It covers his behaviour in office, and leaves aside questions of personal morality - on which Trump is certainly not a role model (are those upholders of traditional conservative values who support him really comfortable with his open bragging about "pussy-grabbing", and his treatment of women generally?)

    I find it difficult to believe that traditionally minded Catholics consider that such a person is suitable to lead any country. From a Catholic standpoint, my personal conclusion would be that neither candidate is recommendable.

    Defende nos in proelio.

    1. Why would a traditionally minded Catholic care about what a “middle of the road commentator” has to say about anything?

      You really are out of touch.

  6. No candidate is morally perfect as a human being. We are all sinners. And it is exactly because "He trashed international institutions like the UN and the WTO and started trade wars which un" dermine the global rules-based system" The UN does not believe on Jesus Christ. And they believe that nonCatholic ideas should have an equal voice in World Government. Error has no Rights. It was condemned in the Syllabus of Errors. This Teaching became known in "Quas Primas" as the Teaching of Social Kingship of Christ. Regardless if someone claims to be Catholic or not rulers are bound to inform their Consciences in agrement with Christ's Laws and seek and run all Laws in accordance with the Order in the World He created.

  7. Tancredo:

    Didn't we used to have a Catholic Center Party?

  8. The Catholic Center Party is the NYS Conservativr Party. It broke away in the 1960s since the liberal Nelson Rockefeller was in control witb the WASP Big Business backing giant corporations and its liberal globalist agenda at the expense of family businesses and working people.

  9. This might sound childish, but I turned off my TV in disgust when it looked like Biden was winning (arounf 10:00 pm). Is he really losing now?

    Damian Malliapalli

  10. Trump declared himself the victor and is going to fight to throw out the mail in ballots counted after the deadline.

  11. Thinking about the worst thing that could happen in case of a Biden Victory, is the psychological satisfaction that snake up in Rome would have. It would also boost the interconnection and bonds between the "Deep State" government with the "Deep State" Church.

  12. In response to Tancred's comment: "Why would a traditionally minded Catholic care about what a “middle of the road commentator” has to say about anything?"

    As a traditionally minded Catholic, I prefer to stay in touch to some extent with the real world, including those aspects of it I find sordid and depressing. If I only read commentary written by extreme conservatives, I might end up with a rather distorted view of the world. I prefer to read a range of views and make my own mind up.

    From the perspective of traditional Catholic moral teaching, neither candidate is ideal (to put it mildly) and I am not sure that I could have voted for either. The idea put about in some of these blog posts, that St Michael the Archangel would ride to the defence of the existing President, gives me pause for deep thought.

    In the UK we have also had candidates for high office who are certainly not role models. Our present Prime Minister is also someone I could never vote for in good conscience, although he has one small point in his favour that he doesn't add hypocrisy to his other undesirable qualities. Quite the opposite in fact - he is completely open and shameless about his lack of respect for family values and for conventional sexual morality. I pray to St Michael and all the angels that a new generation of leaders will rise up who deserve our respect. God Bless America.

  13. In response to Constantine, I quite agree that no-one is perfect, and that we are all sinners. However, I am amused by the idea that the current President of the USA might in any way correspond to the ideal "ruler" he describes. I would be delighted to discover that Mr Trump considers himself "bound to inform [his] Conscience in agreement with Christ's Laws and seek and run all Laws in accordance with the Order in the World He created." But "by their fruits shall ye know them". To many outside the USA, Trump's erratic, narcissistic, selfish and destructive behaviour, on the public stage and in his private life, reflects little credit on him, and demeans the office he holds. He may be the least worst candidate from a conservative point of view, I grant you.

  14. Charlemagne and many secular Catholic rulers weren't terribly holy.
