Thursday, November 5, 2020

Anarchist Anti-Christs: Antifa Smashed out the Windows of Saint André Bessette Catholic Church in Downtown Portland




  1. This is the true agenda of the Masons. The plea for justice is all "window dressing". This was the real agenda of the French Revolution orchestrated by those who hate Christianity with its moral rules and regulations. Now, we have the complication of a pontiff who is sympathetic to their goals.----There is no sin because the Argentinian has lost his own moral compass. The curtain is rising and the actors are all in place. The masks are set to be taken off.---This is Sodom and Gomorrah on a world wide scale. It is all about the Luciferian conspiracy of Free Masonry and its connections to modern Pharisees. If 96% of US Media is controlled by a certain religion. Just what do you think is going on?----Bloomberg sent 100 million into Florida. African-American Jaime Harrison who was a nobody and still is raised one hundred million to challenge Lindsey Graham and almost pulled it off. There is story after story across America which is similar.---Masonic money has been pouring in. The money comes out of the left pocket, is spent, and then goes right into the right pocket. The money is spent by media people and then pocketed by their brethren in the media industry. I would say that this is a well organized and well orchestrated conspiracy.

  2. Dear brother "JBQ", ITS WORSE THAN Sodom and Gommorra. Because these never legally codified sodomy and fornication as a protected minority or activity.

  3. The perpetrators were just kids up to no good.

  4. Actions from "kids up to no good" have resulted in many millions of dead people over the centuries.

  5. Those are properly called "yoots".
