Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bishop Fellay is Positive about Anglican Reunion

Canterbury Tales blog, maintained by a former Anglican priest turned Catholic, reports that Bishop Fellay has said something positive about the Pope's Anglican proposal. It's not shocking to us, but then, we've been following the good Bishop for a long time and always found him to be positive, amiable and thoughtful, anyway:

A glimmer of hope among murky Ecumenism

Regarding the return of traditional Anglicans Bishop Fellay said:

"This is great. This is a big joy. There is only one ship that goes to Heaven, and this is the Catholic Church. When apostates return, it is surely a grand joy."

Bishop Fellay looks at it as a hopeful sign during what presently: "happens to be quite murky circumstances of (Vatican) ecumenism."

And Fr. Hunwicke was so angered by Fr. Scott's criticism of the Anglican Reuninion that he wrote this rejoinder here.

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